Swiss Physical Society Conference by Prof. Maurice Bourquin
Held at Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, August 28, 2018.
Held at Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, August 28, 2018.
Following the success of the previous ThEC10 (UK), ThEC11 (USA) and ThEC12 (China), iThEC brought together regional actors in the development of thorium energy systems in order to obtain an overview of all the activities and promote cooperation.
Rapport du SERI
Öffentlich finanzierte Energieforschung in der Schweiz
Annexe 5 « Les réacteurs au thorium sont le futur de l’énergie durable »
Auteurs: prof. Maurice Bourquin, Yves Depeursinge et Jean-Christophe de Mestral
Primarily, iThEC is sponsored by its active members who also donate their time. iThEC is also open to « Supporting members »
There is no doubt regarding the traction exerted by the thorium revolution, it has gained significant momentum as revealed by our numerous partners around the globe.